Python is a popular
language and widely used in many areas due to versatile in nature. This course
focuses on to add a new feather to your cap through gaining a new skill.
Additionally, if you are hesitant to take up due to your background not being
in Computer Science, well then, this shouldn’t stop you. Python can help
you achieve your academic, professional, and may be sometimes personal goals.
Instructions and illustrations will be simple. It can help you improve your
understanding and aptitude skills. Mathematics with Python will be a new
dimension that you will explore in this course. You will appreciate the beauty
of equations when visualized.
During the course, you will have
concept videos, practice questions, quizzes, course challenges (Program), unit
tests and Final assessment. Candidate is required to complete all the mandatory
questions/quizzes in order to avail completion certificate. Candidate can also
give a try to optional items of the course.
This course will be
conducted by Mr Larson Monteiro, an external faculty, from the IT industry in
collaboration with the Department of Mathematics, St Aloysius (Deemed to be University),
At the end of the course learners will be able to:
Ø Gain a strong understanding of Python programming language, including its syntax, data structures, and control flow, enabling them to write efficient and effective code.
Develop skills in numerical computation, including
performing mathematical operations, solving equations, and manipulating data
using Python libraries such as NumPy and SymPy.
Develop strong problem-solving skills, learning to
formulate problems, design algorithms, and implement solutions using Python.
Develop algorithmic thinking skills by designing and
implementing algorithms to solve mathematical problems efficiently in Python,
fostering computational thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Marker notation Marker Description 'o' Circle '*' Star '.' Point ',' Pixel 'x' X 'X' X (filled) '+' Plus 'P' Plus (filled) 's' Square 'D' Diamond 'd' Diamond (thin) 'p' Pentagon 'H' Hexagon 'h' Hexagon 'v' Triangle Down '1' Tri Down '2' Tri Up '3' Tri Left '4' Tri Right '|' Vline '_' Hline Available Colour schema with Matplotlib Color Syntax Description 'r' Red 'g' Green 'b' Blue 'c' Cyan 'm' Magenta 'y' Yellow 'k' Black 'w' White plt.plot(ypoints, marker = 'o', mfc = 'r') ------> Command to adjust the marker colour plt.plot(ypoints, colour = 'r')---------> Command to adjust the line colour
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